
Compost spreading, bed preparation, irrigation, planting, and seedlings are started in early Spring with the first harvests happening in late Spring.
Summertime and Early Fall:

Below is the schedule of vegetables for when you can begin looking for them to come in season. Blue Barrel does like to experiment, so don't be surprised if one list item is replaced by something else or something entirely new shows up in your delivery over the summer.
Additional Items:

Additional produce such as raspberries, apples, plums, and eggs are sold to shareholders for an additional charge when available. Watch your weekly email for updates from Blue Barrel Farm.

The fall is when we host our annual farm party at Blue Barrel. This is your chance to come out to the farm, hang out, eat some food, and meet other share holders. We'll contact all shareholders with a date and time during the growing season.
After the last harvest, the garden clean out begins. Our goats and chickens are released into the garden to scratch up and eat down any remaining plants. They spend weeks turning the garden over, removing the last of the crops and leaving behind handy additions to the spring compost mix. What they don't eat gets pulled, chipped, shredded, cut down and the garden idles over the winter waiting for early spring.